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Excerpt from the Manassas (VA) Journal Messenger, November 14, 2003, compiled by editor Bennie Scarton.

Michele Frantz
Occupation: Artist

The first half of this article was basically a recap of my bio, so I haven't bothered to reprint it here. Towards the end, however, are some answers to interview questions asked by Mr. Scarton. - m

Q: Didn't your father have some connection with Northern Virginia Community College?
A: Yes, he was chairman of the communication and humanities [division] at the Woodbridge Campus from 1977 to 1989. He recently published a book of poetry, "Time of Life."

Q: If you could travel to any spot in the world to paint its beauty, where would it be?
A: I'd like to travel to America's southwest and paint its vivid landscapes which are so different from this area because of its lack of trees.

Q: What do you stress to your students to look for in their works?
A: For the beginners I emphasize that they learn as much as they can about the techniques of their favorite media and for the more advanced to find their own style and learn about composition and what makes a good painting.

Q: What do you see yourself doing 10 years down the road?
A: Oh my gosh, that's a tough question. I hope to be still painting and going to more advanced galleries to display my paintings. I also hope to be more successful in selling my works.

Q: If you had the skills to be a great portrait artist, what great American living or dead would you like to paint?
A: Probably former President Abraham Lincoln. I really admire him. [Mich's comment -- this question really threw me, cos I don't do portraits, and ole Abe was the only "great" American I could think of. Now I think my answer silly.]

Q: Do you have other interests or hobbies besides painting?
A: I like to hike and while on the trails to pick out scenes I love to photograph or paint. I also love horseback riding.

Q: What is the subject of your display at the Manassas Campus and how long will it be there?
A: It's called "Everyday Pleasures" and its open free to the public through Nov. 24 in Colgan Hall.

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Excerpt from the Washington Post, November 7, 2003.
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(This article was accompanied by a photograph of my watercolor, "Take a Break," which you can see by clicking here).

Art Exhibit "Everyday Pleasures" by local artist Michele Frantz will be on display through Nov. 24 in Colgan Hall at the Manassas Campus of Northen Virginia Community College. Exhibit hours are 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Fridays.
Michele Frantz of Nokesville is the current president of the Manassas Art Guild, and a popular teacher of adult artists, offering a variety of classes in Prince William County. (The article goes on to recap my bio. - M)

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