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Class Supply Lists

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  Contents this page:
General Info     Acrylics     Watercolors     Colored Pencils
Open Studio & Misc     Pastels     Color Substitution Table

  General Information
  • These lists show the minimum supplies needed to complete class assignments; if you already have additional supplies that you like to use, go ahead and bring them.
  • Colors are sold under dozens of different names. I've provided a Color Substitution Table, in case you have trouble finding the names I've recommended.
  • If you need help, please don't hesitate to contact me at myarcadia@juno.com. Contact me several days before the class begins; I don't check my e-mail every day.

      Watercolor Basics & Beyond

    Minimum supplies required:

  • Watercolor paint - Six colors: Quinacridone Red; Cadmium Red Light; Cadmium Yellow Light; Gamboge; Ultramarine; and Thalo Blue. My favorite brands are Academy and Cotman. (Trouble finding these colors? Look on the Substitution Table.)
  • Round watercolor brush - Synthetic (imitation) sable, size #8, any brand. Some good student brushes are made by Cotman, Simmons and Princeton. Do not buy an ox or camel hair brush. (These are usually dark brown. Sable is usually red-gold or white.)
         MAKE SURE IT'S A WATERCOLOR BRUSH! If it has a long handle, it's for oils; a short handle is for watercolors.
  • Watercolor paper - Will be provided.
  • Palette - I highly recommend either the Richeson or the Pike palette. However, you can use one of the small "egg cup" palettes as long as you bring an extra (non-porous) white surface for mixing colors, such as a plastic plate, cafeteria tray, etc. - as long as you have a large mixing surface.
  • Jars - 2 or 3, for water. (A peanut-butter jar is a perfect size!)
  • Scrap paper for preliminary sketches.
  • 2B drawing pencil
  • Kneaded eraser (one, small)
  • Lots and lots of paper towels
  • Matches
  • Something to carry everything - knapsack, etc. Store your brushes so the tips are protected.

    Recommended but not required:

  • Spray bottle - look for one that sprays a mist, rather than a stream of water.
  • Flat brush - 3/4" or 1" (an inexpensive one (e.g., camel hair) is fine.)
  • Cloth rag - you never know when it might come in handy!

    End of "Watercolor Basics" supply list.
    Go back to top, or return to Class Schedule.

      Acrylic Basics & Beyond

  • Acrylic paint - Seven colors: Quinacridone Red; Cadmium Red Light; Cadmium Yellow Medium; Cadmium Yellow Light; Ultramarine; Thalo Blue; and Titanium White. Any artists' brand (no craft acrylics, please). (Trouble finding these colors? Look on the Substitution Table.)
  • Acrylic brushes - a 1/2" synthetic sable flat, AND a 1/2" bristle bright (or flat, if you can't find a bright)
  • Palette - I like the disposable paper palettes, but an inexpensive white plastic palette will do.

    To paint on, bring 2 or more of any of the following (you can bring all the same, or 1 of each), 11x14" or larger:

  • masonite, gessoboard, or other hardwood panel - PRIMED.
  • stretched and primed canvas.
  • canvas board (not recommended unless you're on a tight budget).

    Recommended but not required:

  • More brushes - You can never have enough acrylic brushes. A 1" bristle flat and a small synthetic sable round would be especially handy. (Acrylics are hard on brushes; buy synthetics.)

    End of "Acrylic Basics" supply list.
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      Colored Pencil

  • Pencils - A set of at least 20 colors, either Prismacolor soft core or Derwent Coloursoft.
  • Paper - Will be provided.
  • Kneaded eraser (medium)
  • White vinyl eraser
  • Soft rag or soft paper towel
  • Pencil sharpener, or x-acto knife. No electric sharpeners in the classroom, please.

    End of "Colored Pencil" supply list.
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      Pastel Basics & Beyond

    This class is for soft (chalk-like) pastels, NOT oil pastels.

  • Pastels - A set of at least 18-20 colors. NuPastels are good, Rembrandts are better.
  • Paper - will be provided.
  • Kneaded eraser (large)
  • Also helpful but not required: a sanding block or piece of medium-grained sandpaper

    End of "Pastel" supply list.
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      Open Studio Classes
    (Also for misc. classes that don't require a specific medium.)

    The Open Studio classes are primarily for students who have at least a little art experience, so I don't have a specific supply list. The assumption is that you already have what you need. However, if you're switching to a new medium, you can check the appropriate list elsewhere on this page.
         If you're a beginning artist, or you don't see your desired medium listed, drop me a line at myarcadia@juno.com, I'll see what I can do to help. Thanks to my college profs, I'm passingly familiar with most media, even the ones I don't actually use myself.

    End of "Open Studio & misc." supply list.
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      Color Substitution Table


    On the left are my recommended colors; in the middle are alternate names for the same pigments; and on the right are pigments you can use instead, with similar results. However, I prefer you to use the ones on the right only if you can't find the recommended color.

    My favorite brand is Grumbacher's Academy. I also like Cotman. However, you may buy any brand. You can even mix brands (I do!)

    For more information about pigments, see my Limited Palette Demo.

    The cool primaries:
    RecommendedOther namesSubstitute pigments
    Quinacridone RedThalo Red, Permanent Rose or Red, Crimson, Alizarin Hue, MagentaAlizarin Crimson, Rose Madder, Crimson Lake
    Cadmium Yellow
    (Light or Pale)
    None; the name "cadmium" is fairly standard in the industryAureolin; Cadmium Yellow Light Hue; Lemon Yellow
    Pthalocyaline Blue
    (Usually shortened to "Thalo" or "Pthalo")
    Winsor/Newton calls it "Winsor Blue"Cobalt or Cobalt Hue
    The warm primaries:
    RecommendedOther namesSubstitutes
    Cadmium Red Light
    (I prefer Cotman's to Grumbacher's.)
    NoneNapthol; Cadmium Red Light Hue
    GambogeGamboge Hue or New Gamboge would actually be a better choice.Cadmium Yellow Medium (or Medium Hue); Azo Yellow Medium or Deep
    UltramarineNoneNo reasonable substitutes exist
    RecommendedOther namesSubstitute Pigments
    Raw Sienna
    Burnt Sienna
    Burnt Umber
    Sap Green
    Titanium White
    NoneThese colors are so standard, I can't believe you won't find them. However, you can use Zinc White if you like.
    End of "Substitution Table".
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